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Hair Thinning: Causes, Treatment, Vitamins, and More

Hair Thinning

It appears you are not alone when more and more strands of hair are noticed in the shower or when your once-luscious locks begin to look a bit thin. Thinning hair is very common and affects millions of men and women. But just because it’s common doesn’t mean it’s any less frustrating or impactful on your confidence and self-esteem.

The good news is that solutions exist to stop hair thinning in its tracks and even regrow some of that lost volume. In this blog, we shall try to find the causes of this issue, take a look at some of the leading hair loss treatments for men as well as hair loss treatments for women, discuss critical vitamins that will help maintain healthy and strong tresses, and suggest suitable hairstyles to women dealing with thinning hair. Let’s get started!

Human Causes of Thinning Hair:

Before we get into treatments, it might be good to know what causes your hair to thin. Some of the possible causes include:

  • Genetics: Ahh, thank you, mom and dad! For a lot of people, hair thinning and hair loss just boil down to their genetics.
  • Hormonal Changes: Imbalances in hormones due to pregnancy, thyroid disorders, and menopause, among others, can disrupt the hair cycle.
  • Stress: Chronic stress can elevate cortisol levels in your body, thus pushing more hair follicles into the shedding phase.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies: It could also be due to excessive shedding of vitamins and minerals, including iron, zinc, biotin, protein, and vitamin D.
  • Medications: Any medication, most likely the ones for cancer, arthritis, depression, and heart problems, among others, may have potential hair thinning as a side effect.
  • Hairstyles: tight braids, ponytails, cornrows, and extensions that exert an adverse and constant pull on the hair can ultimately result in traction alopecia, also known as gradual loss of hair.

Hair Loss Treatment for Men and Women

Identify and treat the root cause, but there are also many products on the market that help minimize thinning hair and encourage hair regrowth for both men and women.

  • Minoxidil is an FDA-approved topical solution that promotes blood flow and the delivery of nutrients to the follicles for new hair growth.
  • Finasteride is a prescription pill to block the production of DHT, the hormone responsible for male-pattern baldness.
  • Hair loss shampoos contain ketoconazole, a shampoo that is found to remove DHT buildup on the scalp.
  • Laser Caps: portable caps with a diode that emits laser light to stimulate the follicles, cellular respiration, and protein synthesis.
  • PRP Therapy: Platelet-rich blood is injected into thinning areas to heal and grow back.
  • Hair transplants are a surgical procedure in which active follicles at the back or sides are moved to thinning areas on top.

The Power of Vitamins for Strong Hair

While drugs and clinical treatments do have an effect, most of the time, all you need is a few changes in your nutritional intake to get your body back to its fullness. Make sure you are getting enough of these vital vitamins:

  • Vitamin A: helps create sebum on the scalp, which makes hair naturally conditioned.
  • Vitamin B: B12, biotin, folic acid, and others are important for hair growth.
  • Vitamin C: It is required for collagen production and also assists in iron absorption, an important mineral for good hair health.
  • Vitamin D: This vitamin acts as a stimulant for new and old follicles.
  • Vitamin E: It enhances blood circulation and oxygenation, providing conducive conditions for growth.
  • Iron: A deficiency in iron may result in hair follicle dormancy and shedding.

Classy Haircuts for Thinning Hair Women 

But, of course, besides treating the root of the problem, some artful styling and the right haircut can help cover problem areas of thinning hair. Consider a few ideas:

Layered cuts provide dimension and volume to fine and thin hair. 

  • Bangs: full, face-framing bangs focus attention away from a part that may be broadening. 
  • Pixie Cuts: Super short pixies are literally wash-and-go.
  • Bob with Texture: An unkempt bob adds some volume and density to hair. 
  • Strategic Highlights: Dimensional color and highlights help in camouflaging the sparse areas. 

Making Peace with the Process, Of course, hair loss can actually be emotionally draining, but with the right kind of treatment plan made exclusively for you, patience, and loving yourself, you are going to rock those strands at any stage. Of course, any more concerns and expert advice can always be sought from the professional hair gurus at VLCC. 

At VLCC, our team personalizes hair loss treatment plans using advanced products and technologies that assess the distinct hair and scalp conditions of each individual. Our microneedling with PRP is also an innovative way to kick follicles into regrowth mode. Other than the solutions provided for clinical hair problems, the company has started hair-friendly keratin treatments, skillful cuts and styles for fine and thin hair, and spa services to nourish the hair and spirit. 

Thin hair will never be your woe again with solutions from the experts at VLCC in strand transformation and self-confidence!

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